All in Travel

The Tree That Lived

On the windswept hills of Rockville, I came across this fallen oak. It seemed to still be alive despite most of its trunk being horizontal. I surmise that it had fallen over in high winds, but about half its base remained rooted after falling. It continued to grow its main trunk upwards. Which happened to be sideways from its original growth.

A Bite of Sushi

Speaking of lunch, I realise it has been a while since I ate sushi. This guy sure likes it. The egret even uses its beak like chopsticks! :D

While walking around the lake in Rockville, something large and white rose up out of the tall grass to my left about 10-15 feet away. Point camera, zoom, focus, shoot, shoot, shoot.

When editing in Lightroom, I noticed a dark spot in the open beak of the egret. I zoomed in and saw a fish!