Powerful Black & White Seascape

Powerful Black & White Seascape

With the sun peeking in and out of the clouds around sunset, I had some color issues with this composition. I couldn't find a satisfying white balance. Well, why not go Black and White with it?

High contrast black and white - with dodging and burning.

So, some technical info about the photo: f/22, 2.5 seconds, ISO 160 with an ND filter. 

Lightroom basic panel settings

For basic processing, I dropped the highlights and raised the shadows, then set white and black points to bring back contrast. This spreads the histogram across the spectrum. Then I grabbed an adjustment brush to dodge and burn. I brushed the brighter parts of the rocks and surf, making them lighter, and darkened parts of the rocks.

Adjustment brush overlay

Deep Blue Water

Deep Blue Water

The Golden Beach

The Golden Beach