Fires of Heaven - Suisun Photo Contest Winner — SKYFIRE-X- | Photography by Kevin Etter - Solano County, San Francisco Bay Area
Fires of Heaven - Suisun Photo Contest Winner

Fires of Heaven - Suisun Photo Contest Winner

A couple months ago a friend had mentioned in passing that our town, Suisun, was holding a photo contest and that I should enter. If I won, she said, I had to buy her cheese fries. Well, the winners were announced. I won first place and two honorable mentions for Sunset in Suisun Marsh and Monochrome Fireworks.

There is a compelling story here. In my childhood in the 1980s, Suisun was quite literally a podunk Bay Area backwater. Most of the waterfront was occupied by an oil company, some of the buildings were run down 1800s relics in need of either demolition or preservation. City Hall was a mobile construction trailer. In the 90s the city made a concerted effort to revitalize and redevelop its waterfront area. I've been very fortunate to have such a scenic, pedestrian friendly area to practice my photography on. 

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